Michigan Trail Report

Baldwin Area Trail Report – 01/12

BALDWIN AREA UPDATE via Trailriders Snowmobile Club​ – 01/12

6R 195 leaving the barn this afternoon to groom the middle sections.



BALDWIN AREA UPDATE via Trailriders Snowmobile Club​ – 01/11

Have about 2-3” of fresh powder here in newaygo along the Muskegon River. Sure looks pretty but unfortunately not enough here to start grooming. Will update when we get enough throughout the system to get rolling again. Until then, be patient and keep up the snow ❄ dances!💃



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Wednesday February 5th, 2025 - 5:26 pm

Michigan Snowmobile Trail Report

BALDWIN AREA UPDATE via Trailriders Snowmobile Club >> 2/5 Update: Club president Dan spent 12 hours in the 6150R yesterday working on the north loop (mainly trails 3 & 35 NW of Baldwin) along with parts of the middle section and honeymoon loop (trails 3, 320, and 324). Overall the conditions turned out pretty good down that way. There is 1 section along trail 3 near 18mile rd in northern Newaygo County with an ongoing logging operation. He was able to make a trail next to the plowed section in that area for sleds to have a better place to ride. However, please use extreme caution ⚠️ in this area as log trucks and equipment will likely be frequently in that area 🚨. Also, he encountered a stuck UPS truck on trail 3 near US10 that was trying to use the seasonal road/trail for a shortcut. Fortunately he was able to help them get out and cleaned up the trail damage with the groomer. That’s its for today, keep up your snow ❄️ dances and hope the next 2 systems track through our area, so we can get all 160 miles groomed and back in god shape! TRSC Secretary Brian #baldwinarea #snowphotos ... See MoreSee Less

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Logging: Are you talking about the short section on 17Mile to Osborn?

Great update. Looking forward to riding up there this weekend 👍👍

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