Michigan Trail Report

Trail Reports

Frederic / Gaylord Area Trail Report – Sledheads of Frederic – 01/27

Noon Thirty and all is quiet in Frederic, only been a couple sleds in but things are in excellent shape. One guy that came in said he rode yesterday from Gaylord to Dingmans and on the one to ten scale gave things a 12 so that is always good to hear.

I plowed again this morning and I cant believe it but somehow during the week I think totally we have accumulated 8 to 10 inches.

It just doesn’t seem like there was that much but wow did I move a lot of snow. Its been warmer than we would like to see but that makes for comfy riding not like the frigid temps we had last winter.

Here is a link to a video from this morning of the train plow going by The Ultimate Train Snowplow…. or here:


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January 27, 2016 |

Frederic / Gaylord Area Trail Report – Sledheads of Frederic – 01/25

It’s 10:15 Monday morning and I am just beginning to type this and I hear the first sleds of the morning pulling up so as I have heard before “I’ll Be Back”. Well now its 11, turns out the first sleds of the day are the 4 guys that are staying at my rental cottage. They are from Ohio and are heading for the bridge, darn I wish I could go with them. They said it was a decent ride here from my house and hopefully it will be a good run to the bridge. Another group of ohio riders just stopped too and are on their way back, I took a picture of their rig which was a heavy duty setup pulled by a dodge dually with six sleds. Sunday sled traffic was good for a sunday but darn I wish we would get more snow. The forcast isn’t anything to get excited about this coming week so we just have to see what happens….. Visit Sledheads of Frederic Website >>>>


January 25, 2016


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January 25, 2016 |
Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.