Michigan Trail Report

Newberry Trail Report – Halfway Lake Resort – 02/16

Good Eveing,

We’ve had a couple more inches of snow. My snow gauge now shows 16+". That’s about a six inch accumulation since the weekend.

A guest just called confirming their weekend reservation, and mentioned they had talked to someone who just returned from the UP snowmobiling and was informed we didn’t have much snow. I don’t know where they were but They must have been somewhere south of M-28.

I notice on my trip home Sunday from being down state snow was sparce even at the bridge. I didn’t find any new snow until Engadine and that was a trace, Newberry had less than an inch, then I turned off from M-123 onto H-37/County Road 407 and found an accumulation of better than and inch. When I pulled into my driveway I found about 3" on the ground. After 16 years it would seem I would be use to this. No, it still amazes me how much more snow we have out north than there is even Newberry and Engadine.

The trails are still in good shape and will be even better with this added six inches of new power. The groomers are doing a great job!

Halfway Lake Resort
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Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.