Michigan Trail Report

Lake Gogebic Trail Report – 03/10

March 10, 2015

Temperatures reaching into the mid 50’s today, trails are pretty much gone in and around towns and wherever salt used on roadways can affect trails. We still have some snowmobilers up who say the trails back in the woods are still fairly good. However, today while driving along Hwy. 28 (trail 8 west) I could see that small streams have opened up, so use caution anywhere near these areas. Temps are expected to run in the 40’s to 50’s for highs for the next week and then drop back into the 20’s for highs. Like I’ve said before, I doubt we’re done with winter for March just yet. If you come to ride now expect some wet conditions, some bare conditions, but also some fairly good trails back in the cover of the woods plus some warmer than normal temps. I will let you know if anything changes, either by weather or conditions. Hopefully we’ll still get a heavy March snowfall sometime over the last half of the month – it wouldn’t be the first time.

If conditions are favorable we can groom until the last day of March, even longer into April, weather and DNR permitting. Pretty cool if you can say you snowmobiled in April!

***VERY IMPORTANT – EFFECTIVE JANUARY 26TH THROUGH MARCH*** -The big news is a reroute over the area where trails 1, 102 and 8 west meet, north of Merriweather and west for about 5 miles. Please watch for changes and new signing (and there is plenty of it) in this area and heed all trail signage. There will be many pipeline workers plus a lot of heavy equipment in the area formally used for these trails, so for their safety as well as yours please heed the new signing and don’t take any “short cuts”. This reroute will be in effect for most of the remainder of the snowmobile season, but we will post any changes as they occur. You will also want to top off your gas if headed north through this area as the reroute will add on an extra 10 miles (there and back) to your trip with no gas stops between Lake Gogebic and Silver City. YOU CAN NOT USE THIS AREA FOR ANY RIDING.

You can legally ride any county road that does not get plowed, but check with the Forest Service for a map to these roads. They have a waterproof one for $10.00. Call 906-932-1330 or go to www.fs.usda.gov/ottawa for more info.

That’s all for now from Carolyn at the Hoop! Keep checking back for more updates as conditions change. For additional information about the Lake Gogebic area please visit the chamber website at www.LakeGogebicArea.com or call them at 1-888-464-3242 (888-GOGEBIC). Have a great day and a great ride as well as a safe one.


Lake Gogebic Area Chamber of Commerce


Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.