Michigan Trail Report

Newberry Trail Report – Halfway Lake Resort – 02/12

Guests staying here hung out yesterday as we watched it snow while the snow was melting! The temperature gauge dropped quickly and things firmed up. A few guys took off and called back home to relay a message that everything was in great condition and the rest of the guysy better get their butts out and ride!

This gang got back late last night. Early this morning I found a note telling me that overall the trails are good and the "rain didn’t hurt at all. A little more snow and grooming and they will be great. Drifts were fun up by the lake." These guests rode to Pinestump and Paradise. Everyone is gone again this morning. Our snow gauge shows 23" and sits in an open field off of the lake.

Watch for icy corners. With all of the wind there are branches and trees on the trails. The groomers will be out cleaning things up today. Please ride safe. We are receiving multiple complaints of a hole on trail #45- about 15 miles North of Nby near Skyline Rd- on the plowed portion of trail.

We are located 12 mi NW of Newberry and 7 miles S of Pinestump Junction. Between Grand Marais and Paradise.

Thank you for your phone calls. Availability:Vacancy 2/12-2/14. Full 2/15-2/18. Opening 2/19 and 2/20. Full 2/21-2/22.

Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.