Michigan Trail Report

Newberry Trail Report – Halfway Lake Resort – 02/05

Riders this weekend through Monday night had nothing but good things to say about the trails and the many directions and distances they are able to ride. There are a few heavily traveled trails that are reported to be awesome in the morning but bumpy by evening.

Between Grand Marais-Newberry-Paradise there are HUNDREDS of miles of trails that are groomed on a daily basis. Off trail riding is also an adventure with 3-4 feet of settled snow on the ground!

Please ride safe. We are receiving multiple complaints of a hole on trail #45- about 15 miles North of Nby near Skyline Rd.

We are located 12 mi NW of Newberry and 7 miles S of Pinestump Junction. Between Grand Marais and Paradise.

Thank you for your phone calls. Availability:We are full through Saturday 2/16 with exceptions of openings on 2/10, 2/11 and 2/13, 2/14.

Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.