Michigan Trail Report

Sault Ste. Marie Trail Report – 03/01

03/01 – The big storm from yesterday was almost a dud! A little snow, a lot of blowing and drifting though. But another storm is heading our way for Friday, 6-10 inches. Let’s hope. Trails are in great shape, we are out getting the snow & drifts groomed! – Via Sault Ste. Marie Snowmobile Association on Facebook


Blowing and drifting from the storm today. We got 2-3 inches of fresh snow but its hard to tell. Trails are in very rideable condition. Conditions still range from fair to excellent! The farther south the less snow, the farther west and north more snow and better trails. Road shoulders may be bare from sunshine if you run roads or going thru Brimley..

Our Radar Run was a great success with a top speed of 101.

Join us on Facebook also.

We will be taking over he 38 miles of trails groomed by Kinross Charter Township last season.

Sault Ste. Marie to Brimley, Trail #8 –

Base 2-4 inches -Trail is in Very Fair to Excellent Condition. It is icy under the snow. Brimley shoulders are bare. Go with the flow of traffic on the bridge in Brimley!

Brimley to Raco, Trail #8 –

Base 2-6 inches -Trail is in Good to Excellent Condition. The first mile going west of Brimley has low snow in the open area. Make sure you go with the flow of traffic when crossing the bridge in Brimley or you will be ticketed!!!!!

Raco to Naomikong Trail #8 [where Paradise meets us], Trail #8 –

Base 3-7 inches – Trail is Excellent to Outstanding Condition. Good snow the whole way on our trail!

Sault Ste. Marie City Trail, Trails #497, #449, parts of #8 & #49 –

Base 2-4 inches – Trail is in Good Condition. Icy.

City curfew is from 1am – 6 am. Remember most City streets are open to traffic, 20 mph, stop at all intersections, and ride the right hand side of street not on side walks. Watch for closed streets that are posted, mainly around the hospital, university, and state trunk lines.

Sault Ste. Marie to Kinross, Trail #49 –

Base 2-5 inches – Trail is in Fair to Good Condition. When the trail is running along roads make sure you go with the flow of traffic on the right side of the road.

Kinross loop and south to Pickford, parts of Trail #49, #494, #472

Base 1-4 inches – Trail is in Fair Condition. Lower snow the farther south towards Pickford

Kinross to Raco, Trail # #480 & #472

Base 1-4 inches – Trail is in Good Condition. The water areas are all frozen up.

The Downtown Trail has not been groomed yet, but it is marked. The city will not set up the barrels until we have enough snow.

Via Sault Ste. Marie Snowmobile Association on Facebook

Sault Ste. Marie Snowmobile Association

Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.