Michigan Trail Report

Gaylord Area Trail Report – Ray’s Retreat Country Inn – 01/29

Ray’s Retreat – January 29
Thru the Woods. Smoooooth — There was a good mix of smooth riding, and rough areas. Gaylord has been grooming every day and its appreciated.

We had a full house thru the weekend. Everyone enjoyed their rides, not anyone complaining about the trails. Gaylord Groomers were out daily grooming. Everyone had good rides going north and west.
Once we got all the rooms cleaned we decided to get out for a quick ride. We rode 44 miles round trip, taking trail 7 just a short ways north and then going along trail 4 to Lakes of the North, The Settings restaurant where we enjoyed a pizza before heading back for home.
Icy. The base is ice. Caution needs to be taken especially in the corners, corners in the woods where it is very narrow, and caution along the Roller Coaster hills along Mancelona Road.
Those hills have never intimidated me but when we crossed them on our way over I was nervous due to the ice, and the slant of that first hill. I was leaning, leaning and just hoping I wouldn’t slide.
It was rough along Mancelona Road west of the hills. Once we made the turn north back into the woods things improved.
Overall, it was a good ride. It was just fun to get out and enjoy the trails. We’re hoping to get out again soon!!!!

Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.