Michigan Trail Report

Grayling Trail Report – Fay’s Motel – 12/02

Greetings Anxious Sledders,

It won’t be long now the Rabbi declared with significant confidence.

It also won’t be long before Winter has a solid hold on the region and hopefully Mother Nature won’t cut us short of our average snowfall this year the way she did last year.

The first report of the season is always the longest due to introducing ourselves to folks that are new subscribers on the e-mail side of this thing and those that are new readers on the web side. I will format this propaganda in the usual fashion, categorized in a way that will allow you to pick and choose the propaganda that you wish to look at or avoid.

We are Keith and Sandy and we have produced a trail report for the last ten years, working on number eleven. I schedule the pre-season trail maintenance, vehicle maintenance along with the grooming of the Grayling trail system for the AuSable Valley Snowmobile Assoc. Two of the three AVSA groomers are parked here next to the heated garage that is often used by our guests for sled repairs. We have an acre of parking for the unimportant over the road tow vehicle and you can park your sled right in front of your door at our single story facility.

You can ride directly from your room (technically it’s not from your room, it’s more like from just outside of your room) to the trails and head out in any direction that you choose.

Sandy doesn’t ride but I do when not in a groomer and I especially like to go off trail and will be happy to guide if given a little advance notice. There’s no charge for this service and those that have taken me up on this offer generally make it back, OKAY there are those two that haven’t been seen or heard from in a while. Just kidding, haven’t lost anyone yet.


You can expect reports to be generated on Monday and Wednesday and additional reports will be launched if it looks like a negative weather event is going to take place.

The trails are ready to go. Several times over the past years I did a shout out to sledders for help on the brushing aspect but it wasn’t necessary this year as most of the work needed entailed seat time in both John Deere tractors, basically disking and grading. All in all we totaled just over 200 man hours in the seats, a little brushing, routine maintenance on the vehicles, signing etc.

NOT YET. We picked up 4-5" last night and it’s been coming down lightly all day but that’s about to wind down by early tomorrow morning. There’s not enough to ride on and certainly not enough to even consider grooming. More looks to be on the way early next week. This can be a pretty good set up and here’s why. If we would have gotten 10" people definitely would have been riding and in doing so they are riding on unfrozen ground with no base and that is a perfect recipe for snirt, which is what happened last year. Once the sand is in it’s in and nothing but a start over thaw will make it go away. This way the 4-5" that we got has a chance to melt down a bit and start a base on it’s own. Might sound a little goofy but believe me the best thing to do is leave the trails alone for the moment, which is why I’m not plowing the drive way this go around. Sandy says it’s because I’m lazy but I beg to differ.

When the time comes,
Ride Often and Please Be Safe,
Keith, Sandy and The Girls.

Next report will likely be early next week.

At Fay’s Motel enjoy direct access to the Grayling Area snowmobile trails.

Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.